2013 Concert Sponsorship

  • Post category:Events

We are proud to be celebrating an important milestone in our orchestra’s history – 20 years of music making. TCO’s 20th anniversary concert will be held on June 22, 2013 at the P.C. Ho Theatre of The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto. Three renowned virtuosi will perform and celebrate with us on this important date. Mr. Yazhi Guo, performing suona and guanzi, Ms. Sarah He, performing erhu, and Mr. Pingxin Xu performing yangqin. They will perform solo, duet and trio together with the orchestra in this milestone concert.

As a not-for-profit organization, we rely greatly on your continued support as sponsors and donors to continue promoting Chinese culture and music in Canada. We would not have been able to fulfill our goals without your kind and generous support. We have a variety of sponsorship options to choose from to suit your budget. If you would like more information, please contact me at 416-568-8024, or visit our website: www.TorontoChineseOrchestra.com.

Sponsoring 2013 Concert (PDF)

樂團在團員努力耕耘下, 不經意今年已踏入二十週年。儘管資源缺乏,樂團取得了一定成果,培養了一批年青團員,樂團水平也不斷提昇,讓中國民樂在多倫多更加推廣和提高。為慶祝二十週年,樂團定於今年六月二十二日假座大多倫多中華文化中心何伯釗劇院舉行《楓華正茂二十年》音樂會,並邀請得三位享譽樂壇的演奏家與樂團合作演出。管樂大師郭雅志、二胡大師何濤及揚琴大師徐平心將演奏多首獨奏、重奏樂曲,乃多倫多難得一見的大師級演奏家與大型民樂團的合作演出。

在多倫多組織樂團困難重重,資金及排練場地是我們面對的最大難題,籌辦音樂會更加需要各界的支持,才能完成我們的使命,把中國民族音樂傳播在多倫多這個多元文化社會,在華人社區持續發展,也讓加國主流社會認識中國文化。有鑒於閣下熱心公益,在推廣中國文化方面不遺餘力,我們懇請閣下/貴商號為本團是次音樂會作出贊助。如對這次音樂會有任何諮詢,請與本人聯絡。電話﹕416-568-8024 或瀏覽網址 : www.TorontoChineseOrchestra.com。