2011 April 30 concert guest: Hong Kong Leung Sing Tak Primary School Chinese Orchestra

  • Post category:Events

The Hong Kong Leung Sing Tak Primary School Chinese Orchestra was established in 1984 under the direction of Ng Chiu-Shing. With strong community and parental support over the years, the orchestra has nurtured many Chinese instrumentalists. The orchestra performs frequently to high acclaim. At the annual Hong Kong School Music Festival, the orchestra has received numerous awards in ensemble and solo categories. At the Invitational Chinese Youth Orchestra Competition held in Beijing, awards were granted for performance, organizational and conducting categories. Their success has brought them warm reception in Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and many cities in China.


香港新界婦孺福利會梁省德學校中樂團成立於一九八四年,由吳朝勝老師負責訓練及指揮,多年以來得到各界人士及家長的熱心支持,亦培養了不少中樂演奏人才。樂團經常在校內及校外演出,均得到極高 評價 。在每年舉辦的香港校際音樂節比賽中,不論在合奏、重奏或獨奏等賽事中, 均 獲獎無數。曾多次赴北京參加「 青少年民樂團隊北京邀請賽 」分別獲陽光獎 、月光獎 、星光 獎 、組織獎及指揮獎 。亦曾獲邀遠赴加拿大 、星 加 坡 、馬來西亞、日本及中國內地多個城市:包括新會 、江門 、肇慶 、貴陽 、濟 南 、上 海 、韻 關 等 地 演 出 ,可謂享譽中外。