Conductor: Elaine Choi 指揮: 蔡亦翎

At the 2013-06-22 concert, Elaine Choi will conduct the small ensemble in two pieces: Scenic Jiangnan 江南好 and Layers II 層疊 II.

Elaine Choi contributes to Toronto’s vibrant choral community as a conductor, educator and accompanist. She is currently the Director of Music at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. As a music educator, Elaine works as a faculty member at National Music Camp and a guest artist at The York School, Rosedale Heights School of the Arts and De La Salle College. Elaine is the co-conductor of Windago, an ensemble of wind instruments and SATB chorus, which has premiered works by Alice Ho, Stephanie Martin, Kevin Lau, Elisha Denburg and many more.

Elaine’s early music studies began on the piano and violin. She is also proficient on the erhu, and has recently been appointed as the sectional conductor of the Toronto Chinese Orchestra. Elaine earned her BMus in Music Education (2008) and a MMus in Music Performance specializing in Choral Conducting (2010) at the University of Toronto. She has also earned an ATCL (1999), an AmusTCL diploma (2001) in piano performance from the Trinity College of Music, London, and an Advanced Certificate (2000) from ABRSM, England. She is twice recipient of the Elmer Iseler Fellowship in Choral Conducting (2008, 2009) and a finalist in the Sir Ernest Macmillan Foundation Fellowship Award in Choral Conducting (2012).

Elaine has studied conducting with Dr. Doreen Rao, Agnes Grossmann, Dr. Robert Cooper, David Briskin, Dr. Gillian MacKay, Fred Sjöberg, Dr. Hilary Apfelstadt and Noel Edison.

蔡亦翎現任 Timothy Eaton Memorial Church 音樂總監,除主管教堂音樂部門外,亦積極推廣多倫多各類音樂發展:如於國際音樂營及多間中學之合唱團或管樂團,擔任指揮,藝術指導,及伴奏等不同崗位工作之外,最近被委任為多倫多中樂團之分組指揮,相信此職務更可發揮其團隊精神及貢獻其所長。

亦翎出身於香港音樂世家,母親是專業音樂教師,幼承庭訓,兒童開始已專攻鋼琴,小提琴及民族樂器如二胡等。她就讀於香港聖保祿學校。中學畢業前,已考獲多項樂器演奏及樂理等高級文憑。移民加拿大後,考入多倫多大學,以優異成績取得音樂學士(2008) 及音樂碩士學位 (2010),並曾兩度 (2008-2009) 獲得 Elmer Isleler Fellowship in Choral Conducting 獎學金及於2012 年,選入 Sir Ernest MacMillan Foundation Fellowship Award in Choral Conducting 進入決賽,為全國僅有之三名決賽者之一。