Interview: “Winters Past” – an arrangement of music from the “Game of Thrones” for Chinese orchestra

Amy Leung, Toronto Chinese Orchestra (TCO) zhonghu player and assistant librarian, catches up with Tony K.T. Leung, TCO Composer-in-Residence and arranger of “Winters Past”. Amy: How did you arrive at…

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2017-04-30 Concert: CANADA 150: A CHINESE MOSAIC 加拿大 150 週年中樂薈萃

Join the TCO as they salute Canada’s 150th Anniversary, with a concert exploring landscapes, peoples, and cultures from both Canada and China! 誠意邀請你參與多倫多中樂團為慶祝加拿大一百五十週年呈獻、 一場融合加中文化、風土人情的音樂會。 Date: Sunday, April 30, 2017 Time: 7:30…

Continue Reading2017-04-30 Concert: CANADA 150: A CHINESE MOSAIC 加拿大 150 週年中樂薈萃