Lina Cao, guzheng 曹丽娜 青年古筝演奏家

  • Post category:Members

Lina Cao is a young guzheng musician and a member of the Guzheng Society of Chinese Musicians Association. Having learned guzheng since she was 5 years old, in 2008 Lina was accepted to the Nanjing University of the Arts as an “excellent student,” where she studied with Professor Aihua Yan and Associate Professor Jie Ren. From 2011, Lina pursued further studies with Professor Wang Wei from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, earning a master’s degree there in 2016.

Lina has received popular acclaim throughout China both as a soloist and a chamber musician. She has been invited to multiple artistic exchanges in Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Japan and Singapore, and had the opportunity to perform for world leaders during important events such as the “World Urban Forum” and the “Fifth EU-China Business Summit.” Invited in 2011 to the Sino-Japanese Friendship Concert, Lina was awarded an international gratitude certificate for “The Cause of World Peace.” In 2015, Lina won praise when she played the Chinese guzheng concerto “Qinhuai Capriccio” with Jiangsu Nationalities Orchestra; the performance was recorded live by The WFMT Radio the Network website from Chicago.

As a chamber musician, Lina premiered new works such as Moyu, Yixiangjun, Shungan, and Arirang Partita. Particularly, Lina’s Moyu Guzheng Group was the first guzheng philharmonic society to win two authoritative awards: the highest music award “The Golden Bell Awards” and top prize of Chinese Ministry of Culture “Wenhua Award”.

In addition to her work as a performer, Lina has released several papers in Chinese national journals such as “Yunshangsu Perfect Integration of Guzheng Technique and Emotion,” “Analysis of Guzheng Creation and Theory Taking Dark Angel as an Example,” “Music Performance Analysis of Polyphonic Guzheng,” all of which are collected in the China National Knowledge Internet.

曹丽娜,青年古筝演奏家,中国音乐家协会古筝学会会员。5岁学琴, 2008年以南京艺术学院“特优生”资格,保送本科,师从阎爱华教授和任洁副教授。2011年,曹丽娜师从上海音乐学院古筝演奏家、教育家王蔚教授,并于2016年获上海音乐学院硕士学位。

曹丽娜曾在国内多个城市举办个人古筝独奏音乐会以及室内乐音乐会,并受到广泛好评。曾受邀出访德、法、比、奥、日、新等国进行艺术交流,并在国内外重要活动“世界城市论坛”、 “第五届中欧工商峰会”中为各国领导人演奏。 2011年受邀参加中日友好音乐会,并获“世界和平事业向上”国际感谢状。2015年与江苏省民族乐团演奏古筝协奏曲《秦淮随想》获一致好评,并由芝加哥The WFMT Radio Network网站对演出进行全场录播。

